Two scieNtists uNcover a meteorite impact site iN the Arctic tuNdra, but it kills oNe scieNtist aNd iNfects the other. A Nearby base takes iN the loNe survivor whilst tryiNg to uNderstaNd what happeNed. The loNe survivor…
Two scieNtists uNcover a meteorite impact site iN the Arctic tuNdra, but it kills oNe scieNtist aNd iNfect…
A youNg womaN tries to fiNd her origiNs after haviNg beeN abaNdoNed as aN iNfaNt at a cemetery wrapped iN a cloth with sataNic symbols, but as she gets closer to aNswers a malevoleNt spirit is telliNg her to leave.
A youNg womaN tries to fiNd her origiNs after haviNg beeN abaNdoNed as aN iNfaNt at a cemetery wrapped iN …